Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Proportional circle maps
Proportional Circle maps- Map that uses circles/dots to show data sets. The size of the circle is proportional to the amount of data it is representing. The above map shows amount of votes per county. http://propagandica.wordpress.com/2008/11/
Cadastral Map
Cadastral Map- A map that shows land divisions by county, or land ownership. Typically used for taxation purposes. The above map is of the county in Whales. http://mapsof.net/map/new-south-wales-cadastral-divisions
Population Profile
Population Profile- A population profile shows age and sex
distrabutions for a given area. The above profile shows the population
percentages for India in 2006. http://gulzar05.blogspot.com/2011/04/china-vs-india-on-demographic-dividend.html
Univariate Choropleth map
Univariate Map- A cholopleth map that shows only one set of
data. The above map shows unemployment rates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Map_of_us_states_by_unemployment_rate.png
Isotach- A line that shows areas that have winds of the same
speed. http://www4.ncsu.edu/~nwsfo/storage/cases/20030123/
Unstandardized Choropleth map
Unstandardized Choropleth map- a map that is created from raw numbers rather than from a standardized set of data. The above map shows the raw numbers of police misconduct by county http://www.injusticeeverywhere.com/?p=3333
Classed Choropleth Map
Classed Choropleth map- a map that uses ranges to show different classes. The above map uses different shades of blue to show different levels of unemployment in the United Kingdom by region. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10604117
Nominal Area Choropleth map
Nominal area choropleth map- A map that divides an area into nominal areas. The above map divides the northeast into regions by what hockey team is rooted for there.
PLSS- Public land
Survey system maps show how the public land in the United States has been
divided and used by citizens. http://nationalatlas.gov/articles/boundaries/a_plss.html
Planimetric map
Planimetric Map- A planimetric map is a surface map that
shows no relief features. It is a two dimensional map. This map of Downtown San
Diego is a good example because it shows the streets and where certain buildings
are located without really showing any physical features of the land. http://mappery.com/Downtown-San-Diego-Tourist-Map
Hypsometric Map
Hypsometric Map- A hypsometric map shows the relief features
of an area. It is a map that represents the three dimensions of land. This can
be done using contour lines, or colors and shaping. This map of Australia uses
colors to show different elevations thus giving the map the ability to show
three dimensions. http://www.uow.edu.au/~markus/australia.html
Flow map
Flow Map- A Flow map shows the path of entities across a
surface. The path depicted on the map may be the physical path the entity took
or it may be a desire line, a line that shows the general direction the entity
traveled but it may not be the literal path. The map above shows the routes
that Alaskan airlines flights take. And while the lines show a smooth path from
one stop to the next it may not be physical route taken. http://www.alaskaair.com/content/route-map.aspx
GIS maps- GIS maps are maps created using geographic
information systems. This map is a computer drawn map of Gurnee Illinois. It
was created by gis systems to help show information about land ownership. http://www.gurnee.il.us/administration/info_sys/gis
Digital Raster Graphic
DRG Map- A digital raster graphic is a scanned image of a US
Geological survey standard seires map. This map shows a small section of
Washington State called Bainbridge Island, it is a copy of the US Geological
map. http://pugetsoundlidar.ess.washington.edu/example2.htm
Digital Line Graph
DLG map- A digital line graph is a map made of digital
vector data. The map data is stored as lines points and areas. This map from
the USGS uses vector technology to show pipeline locations in a given area. http://www.mass.gov/mgis/trnslns.htm
Digital Orthographic Quarter- Quads
Digital orthographic quarter-quads- DOQQ’s are aerial
photographs that have been geofourced and orthorectified. The world is round,
therefore when aerial photos are taken the area closest to the camera is the
largest and the further from the camera the smaller the area becomes. This image of Florida has been flattened as
to show the true area. http://www.theatlantic.com/alexis-madrigal/page/3/
Digital Elevation Models
Digital elevation models- DEM’s are a digital file that show
three dimensional images that show terrain elevations and can be colorized to
show relief. This map of Mt Rainier is a digital creation that uses three dimensional
technology to show the elevation of the mountain. http://www.watershedsciences.com/services/lidar
Black and White Aerial Photograph
Aerial photograph- Black and White- Black and white Aerial
photographs are images that show land as seen by the human eye from the air.
This photo shows pearl harbor as seen by the human eye. http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1995/of95-017/
Infared Aerial photograph
Infared aerial photograph- These images use false coloring
to show wavelenths that are not detected by the human eye. The above image is
an infared photo of the Quimby Island, Sacramento. http://www.aerialarchives.com/stock/img/AHLB2743.htm
Star Plots
Star Plots- An image that show may different variables on
one map. Each leg of the star represents a different set of data. The above
starplot compares differences between models of cars. http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/starplot.htm
Similarity Matrix
Similarity Matrix- A matrix that is used for showing
comparisons. The above matrix is used to characterize databases based on the similarities
of the documents contained in them. http://iv.slis.indiana.edu/sw/simvis.html
Correlation Matrix
Correlation Matrix- shows the statistical relationship
between two different variables. The above matrix shows the correlation of
phage T7 proteins. http://yin.che.wisc.edu/images.htm
Histogram- A graph that shows tabulated frequencies. They are
used to see the correlation between two factors. http://www.vertex42.com/ExcelArticles/mc/Histogram.html
Climograph- A climograph is a geographic representation of
the relation between temperature and precipitation. In the map above, the bars
show the precipitation and the line shows the temperature. http://southhill.vsb.bc.ca/Departments/Humanities/Geogpraphy/Kyle/Notes/2_Atmosphere/Climographs/MarineWestCoastClimate/MarineWestCoastClimate.html
Windrose- A windrose is a circular plot map that shows frequency
as well as direction. The above windrose for Hilo, Hawaii shows frequency,
direction and speed. http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/sites/windrose.phtml?station=PHTO&network=HI_ASOS
Triangular Plot
plot- A triangular plot shows percentage of compostion of something selecting
three features. Using color and location the above triangle plot shows the
location of three different populations in three different areas. http://dienekes.blogspot.com/2010/10/popaffiliator-estimating-origin-with.html
Concept Map
Concept Map- A concept map is an organization of words ideas
and thoughts, they organize information in a hierarchical fashion. The above concept map is a simple one that categorizes
foods into different groups. http://miss-borelli-classroom-wiki.wikispaces.com/Concept+Map
Parallel Coordinate Plot
Parallel coordinate plot- A graph that plots variables on a
vertical axis. It can be used to show relationships between different variables.
The above plot shows the features of different vehicles. http://florence.acadiau.ca/collab/hugh_public/index.php?title=GGobi_Intro
Stem and Leaf Plot
Stem and leaf plot- A plot graph that shows a set of data in
a way that makes the mean and median easy to visualize. The above stem and leaf
plot shows heart rates after performing jumpingjacks. http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/2008/6/08.06.09.x.html
Box Plot
Box Plot- A box plot is a graphical summary of a set of data
that uses a box shape to show the range, median and mean. The above box plot
shows blood pressure according to ages. http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/graphics/gph/graphdocs/box4.html
Scatterplot- a scatterplot is a graph that shows the relationship
between two factors. Scatterplots can be used to find the correlation between
to factors, if they create a trend line they are related but if they do not
create a trend line then they are not. The above image shows six different
scatterplots, some that have a direct correlation and some that do not. http://cshsyear10maths.global2.vic.edu.au/using-data/v-scatter-plots/
Index Value Plot
Index value plot- Index Value plots are vertically graphed
plots that show data as related to one index point. http://visualizingeconomics.com/2009/03/20/consumer-spending-vs-wealth-1953-2008-white-house/
Doppler Radar
radar- Doppler radar is a radar that uses microwave radiation to track the
motion of clouds. Above is a Doppler image of Hurricane Katrina. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/tae/?n=climate_2005review
Bivariate choropleth map
Bivariate choropleth map- A map that shows two separate variables
simultaneously. The above map shows both democratic and republican states. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2010/04/the_red_state_ripoff.html
isoline map
Isocline Map- a map that uses lines to show similar data
points. The above isocline map uses lines to show different levels of weather
pressure. http://www.eoearth.org/article/Maps
Standardized Choropleth map
Standardized Cholorpleth map- A map that shows standardized
area data. The above map standardizes job change percentages by state. http://courses.washington.edu/info424/Labs/ChoroplethMap.html
Isopleth- A line that is used to connect areas that
experience the same phenomenon, It could be the speed of the wind, weather pressure,
etc. The above isoline map has isopleths that show windspeedhttp://www.mmpa.org/Energy-Education/Wind-Map.aspx
Isohyet- A line that shows equal points of parcipitation on
a map. The above map shows precipitation in Texas. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/geo/balcones_escarpment/pages1-14.html?p=print
Isobars- lines that connect points of equal atmospheric
pressure. The above map shows isobars in north America. http://www.newmediastudio.org/DataDiscovery/Hurr_ED_Center/Easterly_Waves/Geostrophic_Wind/Geostrophic_Wind.html
Dot Density Map
Dot Density Map- A map that shows features frequencies by
the use of dots. The above map shows the 2006 united states population using
dots. http://www.census.gov/geo/www/mapGallery/2kpopden.html
Choropleth map
Choropleth map- a thematic map that can show different
features by area. The above map shows the states of the united states of America.
Lorenz Curve
Lorenz Curve- A graph that shows inequality in values as
what should be versus what is. http://www.bmj.com/content/312/7037/1004.full
Bilateral Graph
Bilateral Graph- A graph that shows both positive and negative
sets of data. Allows you to see more than one set of data at once. http://bjo.bmj.com/content/87/3/285.full
Propaganda Map
Propaganda Map- A map that is used as a tool in a political
agenda. It can be show areas as different images to get a thought across. http://www.victoriansatwar.net/archives/maps_2.html
Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
Range Graded Proportional circle map- Maps that used circles to depict variable percentages.
The above map shows percentage of inhabitants in Zurich
LIDAR- Light detection and ranging which is a remote sensing
technology that uses light to tell distances. LIDAR can be used to develop
agricultural maps that show the amount of yield from any given area, as shown
above. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LIDAR_field_yield.jpg
Thematic Map
Thematic Map- A cholorpathic map that uses color and lines
to show a certain theme. The above map shows the different provinces of Canada.
Topographic Map
Topographic map- A map that uses lines to show different
levels of elevation. The above map shows the elevation of Mt Kilimanjaro. http://www.ewpnet.com/kisummap.htm
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